luni, 19 septembrie 2011

Documentary photography ...

Photographer .... an artist (print sales and exibition fees ) not a photo jurnalist going on assignments anymore ...

The approach for photojournalists is searching for the every day not necesary for the exotic ... Miss the every day ... esspecialy when you're going abroad is a common mistake that is made ... a place , a group , a country must be seen from ordinary to exotic not other way around .

How can you represent your ideas visually, what you're trying to get across ? Crossing borders from different photographic styles ,borrowing the atmosphere and the technique makes a difference in your way to approach the photographic story !

Use the search engines in photography , this is our relation with curiosity about the world in high speed century ...

Nu pot sa nu adaug acest musical frantuzesc :

Enjoy ... 
Lezoazo (The Photomaker)

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Care credeti ca este genul de fotografie in care ma exprim cel mai bine ?