Ana Ularu , o actrita de 25 de ani , despre care am aflat azi cate ceva ... De aici si aici , si-mi pare ca lumea se schimba ...usor usor , tinerii incep sa schimbe lumea cu iz de secera si ciocan ...
As vrea sa dau niste citate totusi ca sa ramana " gravate in bit-ul barlogului " , nu de alta dar ma regasesc si eu pe undeva pe aproape ... si ma face sa ma gandesc ... :
"Eşti disciplinată?
"Deloc. Sunt autistă şi împrăştiată. Funcţionez bine cu deadline-uri. Cum am un deadline, cum sunt: „Haida!". Vine dintr-o nebunie - momentul când îmi dau seama că trebuie să intru pe scenă şi mă arunc în prăpastie. Pentru că orice din fiinţa mea îmi spune: „Nu, nu!". Şi-atunci, mă arunc. "
"Am fost de multe ori o inadaptată, dar nu din cauza asta, ci pentru că „simţ enorm şi văz monstruos". Dintr-un tip de sensibilitate, uneori nocivă, pe care nu pot s-o blochez. Sunt un om cu trăiri paradoxale. Şi sunt atentă tot timpul la ce simt, îmi conştientizez fiecare gând. "
Si acum sa inchei ideea ... cu niste muzica buna :
G-Swing feat. Le Major Melon - La Voix Humaine
sau poate va place ...
The Crew Cuts, "Sh-Boom," 1954
asezonam si cu foto proaspete de la apartamentul aflat in renovare :
In rest ... just do IT !
by Redy
joi, 31 martie 2011
Cealalta Ana ... nu cea a lui Manole
spots on the brain ...
express yourself,
Personal affairs,
marți, 29 martie 2011
Nothing like you and I
It's a nasty weather and i feel like :
Nothing like you and i - the Perishers
And than ... i guess not all days are the same , it's not summer and sea-side everyday , and life it's full of up and downs and we need to learn to enjoy life , to enjoy every day separately .
The secret is to be motivated , to be real and honest with yourself ... just like him :
There is some times in life when you fell that you don't have the strength to get back up ! Do you think you have hope ? I will try one hundred times to get back up , and if I fail one hundred times and i give up , do you think that i'm gonna ever get up ? NOO ! But if i fail and I try again , and again , and again ... and this is not the end . It matters how you're gonna finish. Are you gonna finish strong ... you'll gonna find the strenght to get back up !
Powerfull motivational clip !
Nothing like you and i - the Perishers
And than ... i guess not all days are the same , it's not summer and sea-side everyday , and life it's full of up and downs and we need to learn to enjoy life , to enjoy every day separately .
The secret is to be motivated , to be real and honest with yourself ... just like him :
There is some times in life when you fell that you don't have the strength to get back up ! Do you think you have hope ? I will try one hundred times to get back up , and if I fail one hundred times and i give up , do you think that i'm gonna ever get up ? NOO ! But if i fail and I try again , and again , and again ... and this is not the end . It matters how you're gonna finish. Are you gonna finish strong ... you'll gonna find the strenght to get back up !
Powerfull motivational clip !
spots on the brain ...
De pe net,
express yourself,
The men Thing
vineri, 25 martie 2011
Spades , clubs , diamonds ...
"I know that the spades are swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that's not the shape of my heart ... "
Si cateva idei despre locuinta mult dorita :

Bookmarks at : , ,
Plus o parere de fotograf ... pentru final de la
everything else by Redy
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that's not the shape of my heart ... "
Si cateva idei despre locuinta mult dorita :

Bookmarks at : , ,
Plus o parere de fotograf ... pentru final de la
Stop Waiting For Your Big Break, webinar with Brian Smith from on Vimeo.
everything else by Redy
spots on the brain ...
express yourself,
Redy Style,
luni, 21 martie 2011
What a Day for ... a Daydream !
by Redy
by Redy
spots on the brain ...
express yourself,
Redy Style
duminică, 13 martie 2011
Azi mi-ar placea ...
mi’ar plăcea ca ceasul tau biologic sa stea
sa-ti dea ragazul sa te bucuri
sa-ti bei zilele si noptile
sa-ti canti existenta
as vrea sa poti respira libertatea alegerii
si sa te descoperi in fiece lucru iti atrage atentia
sa adormi indragostindu-te de tine
prin prisma lucrurilor frumoase din jurul tau
in care te oglindesti …
by Redy
sa-ti dea ragazul sa te bucuri
sa-ti bei zilele si noptile
sa-ti canti existenta
as vrea sa poti respira libertatea alegerii
si sa te descoperi in fiece lucru iti atrage atentia
sa adormi indragostindu-te de tine
prin prisma lucrurilor frumoase din jurul tau
in care te oglindesti …
by Redy
spots on the brain ...
C'asa e'n tenis,
express yourself,
joi, 3 martie 2011
Today I need a glass of ... Whisky
spots on the brain ...
express yourself,
Redy Style,
Rock and Jack,
miercuri, 2 martie 2011
Forget your love ... by Parra
Inner power and self confidence ...
PAT PARRA - "FORGET YOUR LOVE" MUSIC VIDEO from danilo Parra on Vimeo.
Lezoazo (the Photomaker)
PAT PARRA - "FORGET YOUR LOVE" MUSIC VIDEO from danilo Parra on Vimeo.
Lezoazo (the Photomaker)
spots on the brain ...
Halt das ist mine,
Prin lentila
marți, 1 martie 2011
1 martie ...
spots on the brain ...
express yourself,
Halt das ist mine,
Prin lentila,
Redy Style,
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