O senzatie de sambata seara , noaptea , dimineata ... o stare data de bautura , club , oameni , socializare si ... cam atat pot pronunta ...
Ora 6 dimineata , incerc sa trezesc atmosfera placuta a clubului .
Trezesc simturile rand pe rand ... pana una alta ... it's Whiskey time :
The Doors - Alabama Song
Stiam eu ca va asteptati la Metallica , insa Doors scriu inca istorie , pe cand Metallica poate fi vazuta live ... Stadionul national , 23.07.2008 ptr 2008 iar pentru 2009 ... nu stiu inca ceva sigur , dar :
Music it's the way ... to the high-way...
by Redy
duminică, 21 decembrie 2008
sâmbătă, 20 decembrie 2008
Cum de stie sa se ascunda pe intuneric ?
Sa revenim la titlurile consacrate , oldies but goldies .
James , unul dintre cei putini de care nu pot sa ma despart , care-mi descretesc fruntea si mai ales ma baga in stare ....mai de fiecare data . Un ritm vioi dar blajin , un vers simplu dar destul de adanc .... pentru mine este alegerea perfecta .
Si cum sa nu-ti placa ... cum sa nu te binedispuna cand suna atat de bine , e asa de dinamic si mai mult decat toate ... imi este mie pe plac :)
Ascultati si descifrati si versurile ...
Pentru mine o melodie buna trebuie sa aiba si un vers bun ...un mesaj pe masura .
James - She's a star
Whenever she's feeling empty
Whenever she's feeling insecure
Whenever her face is frozen
Unable to fake it anymore
Her shadow is always with her
Her shadow could always keep her small
So frightened that he won't love her
She builds up a wall
Oh no, she knows where to hide in the dark
Oh no, she's nowhere to hide in the dark
She's a star
She's a star
She's been in disguise forever
She's tried to disguise her stellar views
Much brighter than all this static
Now she's coming through
Oh no, she knows where to hide in the dark
Oh no, she's nowhere to hide in the dark
She's a star
She's a star
Don't tell her to turn down
Put on your shades if you can't see
Don't tell her to turn down
Turn up the flame
She's a star
She's a star
It's a long road
It's a great cause
It's a long road
Its a good call
You got it
You got it
She's a Star
And now some landscape ... quiz de unde este poza?

By Redy
James , unul dintre cei putini de care nu pot sa ma despart , care-mi descretesc fruntea si mai ales ma baga in stare ....mai de fiecare data . Un ritm vioi dar blajin , un vers simplu dar destul de adanc .... pentru mine este alegerea perfecta .
Si cum sa nu-ti placa ... cum sa nu te binedispuna cand suna atat de bine , e asa de dinamic si mai mult decat toate ... imi este mie pe plac :)
Ascultati si descifrati si versurile ...
Pentru mine o melodie buna trebuie sa aiba si un vers bun ...un mesaj pe masura .
James - She's a star
Whenever she's feeling empty
Whenever she's feeling insecure
Whenever her face is frozen
Unable to fake it anymore
Her shadow is always with her
Her shadow could always keep her small
So frightened that he won't love her
She builds up a wall
Oh no, she knows where to hide in the dark
Oh no, she's nowhere to hide in the dark
She's a star
She's a star
She's been in disguise forever
She's tried to disguise her stellar views
Much brighter than all this static
Now she's coming through
Oh no, she knows where to hide in the dark
Oh no, she's nowhere to hide in the dark
She's a star
She's a star
Don't tell her to turn down
Put on your shades if you can't see
Don't tell her to turn down
Turn up the flame
She's a star
She's a star
It's a long road
It's a great cause
It's a long road
Its a good call
You got it
You got it
She's a Star
And now some landscape ... quiz de unde este poza?
By Redy
spots on the brain ...
Redy Style,
joi, 18 decembrie 2008
Feelings for my princess ...
O melodie care imi incita simturile cand stau sa ma gandesc la "fostele" experiente "culinare" , o melodie care trezeste in mine un sentiment unic , de detasare emotionala si ... tendinte perfectioniste . Imi dau seama ca pana la urma o sa ma aleg tot cu una care sa-mi suceasca mintile care sa nu fie asa cum vreau eu dar sa stie sa ma faca sa uit asta , si care sa stie sa-si joace cartile foarte bine in ce ma priveste .
Sau poate nu , poate ca o sa apara si persoana aceea care pare din ce in ce mai greu de gasit , amuzanta ,isteata si iubitoare , pregatita sa imparta si chiar sa dea ,
dornica sa-i sucesc eu mintile si atasata de felul meu necontrolabil de a fii .
A woman reading Playboy feels a little like a Jew reading a Nazi manual !
spots on the brain ...
Bucharest and the rest,
Redy Style,
Lait motiv de toamna-iarna ...
The Raconteurs- Steady As She Goes
Find yourself a girl and settle down
Live a simple life in a quiet town
Steady as she goes (steady as she goes)
Steady as she goes (steady as she goes)
So steady as she goes
Your friends have shown a kink in the single life
You've had too much to think, now you need a wife
Steady as she goes (steady as she goes)
So steady as she goes (steady as she goes)
Well here we go again
You've found yourself a friend that knows you well
But no matter what you do
You'll always feel as though you tripped and fell
So steady as she goes
When you have completed what you thought you had to do
And your blood's depleted to the point of stable glue
Then you'll get along
Then you'll get along
Steady as she goes (steady as she goes)
So steady as she goes (steady as she goes)
Well here we go again
You've found yourself a friend that knows you well
But no matter what you do
You'll always feel as though you tripped and fell
So steady as she goes
Steady as she goes
Settle for a girl (settle for a girl), neither up or down (neither up or down)
Sell it to the crowd (sell it to the crowd) that is gathered round (that is gathered round)
Settle for a girl (settle for a girl), neither up or down (neither up or down)
Sell it to the crowd (sell it to the crowd) that is gathered round (that is gathered round)
So steady as she goes (steady as she goes) 4X
Steady as she goes, are you steady now? 4X
Steady as she goes
Find yourself a girl and settle down
Live a simple life in a quiet town
Steady as she goes (steady as she goes)
Steady as she goes (steady as she goes)
So steady as she goes
Your friends have shown a kink in the single life
You've had too much to think, now you need a wife
Steady as she goes (steady as she goes)
So steady as she goes (steady as she goes)
Well here we go again
You've found yourself a friend that knows you well
But no matter what you do
You'll always feel as though you tripped and fell
So steady as she goes
When you have completed what you thought you had to do
And your blood's depleted to the point of stable glue
Then you'll get along
Then you'll get along
Steady as she goes (steady as she goes)
So steady as she goes (steady as she goes)
Well here we go again
You've found yourself a friend that knows you well
But no matter what you do
You'll always feel as though you tripped and fell
So steady as she goes
Steady as she goes
Settle for a girl (settle for a girl), neither up or down (neither up or down)
Sell it to the crowd (sell it to the crowd) that is gathered round (that is gathered round)
Settle for a girl (settle for a girl), neither up or down (neither up or down)
Sell it to the crowd (sell it to the crowd) that is gathered round (that is gathered round)
So steady as she goes (steady as she goes) 4X
Steady as she goes, are you steady now? 4X
Steady as she goes

spots on the brain ...
Redy Style,
The men Thing,
miercuri, 17 decembrie 2008
Oglinda sufletului
Oglinda masoara intre patru rame
Imaginea clona a realitatii lumesti .
Oglinda din suflet nu prea intelege
De vrei sa traiesti , de vrei sa iubesti...
Oglinda absoarbe in ramele ei oarecare
Lumi paralele cu acelasi aspect conturat
E realitate obiectiva care aparent nu doare ,
E tot ce vedem,singular si unic,dimensionat .
Profunzimea senzatiei de oglinda in suflet
Ne depaseste , zic eu , pe noi , pacatosii
Ce sacrificam o viata , pentru-n cotlet ,
Ce uzual ne hranim pe gura , ca toti burtosii
Cadenta-n simtire , traire si sentiment
S-o observam la noi in zile de post
Cand hrana aleasa aduce mare eveniment
Cand e bine sa ierti nu sa iei la rost .
Sa observam aspecte in oricate oglinzi
Sa iubim si sa invatam sa fim buni ...
Sa reflectezi la ce cumperi sau vinzi
Si-ai sa vezi ca Iubirea ne face imuni !!!

By Redy
spots on the brain ...
Redy Style,
marți, 16 decembrie 2008
Trecutul ... prezent si-n viitor
Se intorc in suflet trairile ... calatoare
Se intorc sentimente trecute si munti de dor
Se intorc posibilitati inchipuite atunci...oare
Se intorc toate la tine.... insa din alt decor ...
Impacat sunt cu mine si cu-alegerea facuta atunci
Meditez viitorul decat sa intorc capul spre ce-a trecut
Prezentul mi-e martor caci mancam din aceeasi gamela
Razboiul in care luptam e tot inainte ... si nu e tacut !
Razboiul se compune din redutele neatinse de noi
Din faptul ca eliberam sufletul si mintea , zi de zi ,
Din faptul ca ne cautam superioritatea-n ce vom fi
Nu lasand prezentul de-o parte , trezindu-ne in trecut....
...tot mai goi !
Despre tine ...
Te-ai mai opri dar nu te opresti ,
Ai mai face dar te razgandesti ,
Ai mai iubi dar te cam ranesti .
Te-ai mai incumeta la idei nebunesti ?
E atat de greu sa spui tot , sus si tare ,
E atat de greu sa renunti la tine ptr el
Pare imposibil sa lupti cu tine , oare ?
Totusi iubirea te inmoaie in nu stii ce fel .
Existenta iubirii nu poate fi ascunsa-ncuvinte
Trebuie traita cu clocot ,parfum , fizic , mental
Trebuie acceptata in viata si ades hranita
Altfel uitam pentru ce traim si atunci devine letal ...
By Redy
spots on the brain ...
Redy Style,
luni, 15 decembrie 2008
X-mas Party Alcatel-Lucent
Hey ,
Pentru cei care stiu ca sunt un "party animal" , vreau sa va spun ca a avut loc party-ul sfarsitului de an ...

Intr-un club bucurestean "Temple" pe numele lui unde am avut parte de o seara deosebita : "Cocktail Summer party " unde au fost de baut shot-uri si cocktail-uri felurite care ...ne-au pus in cap .
Am fost intr-o forma de zile mari , am dansat toata noaptea .
Am ajuns la 8 si am plecat la 6 dimineata .
Meniul meu :
Mojito cocktail
Passport to hell shot
Long Island cocktail
Orgasm cocktail
B52 Shot
Godfather cocktail

si cam atat mai imi aduc aminte ....restul si au mai fost cel putin inca pe atat ... nu au facut decat sa ma tina in forma pana de dimineata ...
Ar mai fii si alte poze mai compromitatoare dar le pastram pentru altadata ...
By Redy
Pentru cei care stiu ca sunt un "party animal" , vreau sa va spun ca a avut loc party-ul sfarsitului de an ...

Intr-un club bucurestean "Temple" pe numele lui unde am avut parte de o seara deosebita : "Cocktail Summer party " unde au fost de baut shot-uri si cocktail-uri felurite care ...ne-au pus in cap .
Am fost intr-o forma de zile mari , am dansat toata noaptea .
Am ajuns la 8 si am plecat la 6 dimineata .
Meniul meu :
Mojito cocktail
Passport to hell shot
Long Island cocktail
Orgasm cocktail
B52 Shot
Godfather cocktail

si cam atat mai imi aduc aminte ....restul si au mai fost cel putin inca pe atat ... nu au facut decat sa ma tina in forma pana de dimineata ...
Ar mai fii si alte poze mai compromitatoare dar le pastram pentru altadata ...
By Redy
spots on the brain ...
Bucharest and the rest,
Prin lentila,
Redy Style,
The men Thing
duminică, 14 decembrie 2008
My poetry group ...

Poezie....in care sa-ti pierzi fiinta...cu ritm , rima , masura si stil
Este locul acela , despre care vorbeam , locul acela in care ma refulam ...prin poezie .Dupa cum o spune si titlul ... este locul in care sa pierzi fiinta sa traiesti doar prin spirit pentru spirit .
Eu cred ca este in continuare un loc frumos , fara taxa de intrare dar ne rezervam dreptul de a ne alege "clientii" . Chiar daca tine de acest loc destul de detestat " HI5" , eu cred este interesant deoarece faca legatura intre oameni cu ajutorul intereselor comune si al pozelor , ceea ce te reprezinta la un moment dat .
Chiar daca incerc sa mai aduc din operele cele mai interesante de acolo , sa dezgrop si sa redescopar placerea cu care scriam atunci , starea mentala si sufleteasca ... merita sa aruncati un ochi ...
Pentru mine ramane "primul copil" pe care l-am crescut , de care am avut grija si de care m-am bucurat , nu singur ci alaturi de partasi ai acelorasi placeri .

Intreaba-te mirat
Intreaba-te mirat:
Cum de te iubesc, cand nici nu te cunosc?
Cum poti sa ma doresti, cand nu stii cine sunt?
Te vad in vis ca pe-o minune,
Apari in somnul meu si-l faci mai dulce,
Apoi dispari si nu te vad.
Avem un vis comun seara de seara,
Sa ne vedem, sa ma cunosti, sa te cunosc.
Dar oare te intrebi tu cand?
As vrea sa stiu cum te gandesti,
La cine cand si unde in fiecare seara...
Raspuns :
Sa fie oare-adevarat ...
Sa fie doar o toana ...
Sa fie chiar minune ...
Sau briza'n primavara ...
Rememorez surasul tau ... in asfintit de soare .
Poate-i prea dulce sau departe si poate asta doare ...
By Redy
spots on the brain ...
Redy Style
miercuri, 10 decembrie 2008

In lumea dragostei, o singura regula e valabila. Sa faci femeia fericita. Faci ceva pe placul ei, castigi puncte. Faci ceva ce nu ii place, pierzi puncte. Nu primesti nici un punct pentru ceva la care se asteapta. Cu parere de rau, astea sunt regulile.
Iata un scurt ghid al sistemului de punctare:
* Faci patul (+1)
* Faci patul, dar uiti pernuta decorativa (-1)
* Asezi patura peste cearseaful mototolit (-2)
* Iesi sa cumperi ceva pentru ea (+5)
* ..Pe ploaie (+8)
* ..Dar te intorci cu bere (-5)
* Te scoli din cauza unui zgomot suspect noaptea (+1)
* Te scoli din cauza unui zgomot suspect noaptea, dar nu era nimic (0)
* Te scoli din cauza unui zgomot suspect noaptea, si era ceva (+5)
* ..Ii tragi una cu facaletul (+10)
* ..Era catelul ei (-20)
* Stai alaturi de ea tot timpul petrecerii (0)
* Stai alaturi de ea un timp, dupa care mergi la o vorba cu colega (-2)
* ..Pe colega o cheama Tina (-10)
* ..Tina, dansatoarea (-20)
* ..Tina are silicoane (-80)
* O scoti la cina (+2)
* O scoti la cina, si nu este un club sport (+3)
* Ok, e un club sport (-2)
* Si e noaptea cu bufet suedez (-3)
* E un club sport, noaptea cu bufet suedez, iar pe fata ta sunt pictate culorile echipei preferate (-10)
* O scoti la film (+1)
* O scoti la un film care ii place ei (+3)
* O scoti la un film care nu-ti place (+6)
* O scoti la un film care iti place tie (-2)
* ..Se numeste "Robocop" (-3)
* ..Ai mintit ca era un film despre orfani (-15)
* Ai facut burta (-15)
* Ai facut burta, dar te antrenezi sa iti revii (+10)
* Ai facut burta si treci la camasi si pantaloni mai largi (-30)
* Spui, "Nu conteaza, si tu ai" (-8000)
* Ea intreaba: "M-am ingrasat?" (-5) [Da, pierzi puncte indiferent de raspuns]
* Eziti cu raspunsul (-10)
* Raspunzi, "..Unde?" (-35)
* Orice alt raspuns (-20)
* Cand vorbeste despre problemele ei, te arati interesat (0)
* Asculti, peste 30 minute (+50)
* Asculti, peste 30 minute, fara sa te uiti la TV (+500)
* Ea isi da seama ca de fapt ai adormit (-4000)
Cat de (DE)punctat esti?
spots on the brain ...
Bucharest and the rest,
The men Thing,
marți, 9 decembrie 2008

Imi dau seama ca nu sunt un bun bloger sau blogger .. nu vreau sa stiu acum cum se scrie corect . Aici vorbesc despre mine , e locul meu .Aici ar trebui sa fiu la adapost de ce mi se intampla . Eu cu mine , sa nu cred ca ma expun , sa nu ma gandesc cum sa ajunga oamenii pe blog . Fara rating-uri , fara vizite , fara chestii "barbatesti" cu trofee , premii si alte astfel e cacaturi de pesonalitate masculina gen vizitatori zilnici , saptamanali s.a.m.d.
Aici ar trebui sa fiu sincer , sa fiu deschis , sa fiu impacat cu ce mi se intampla , sa ma cunoasca lumea care din intamplare sa intre aici , care sa vrea sa caute acel ceva pe care poate ei nu-l pot spune despre viata lor , despre sufletul si mintea lor .
Imi place poezia , dar pana acolo mai este ... acum vreau sa scriu , sa ma descarc .
Deci ... pun in aceasta postare punct reclamei la blogul meu , fata de prieteni ,fata de cunoscuti ,fata de amici , colegi , fosti colegi , fani infratiti cu mine, foste prietene , actuale sau viitoare, fata de femei pe care vreau sa le impresionez sau nu , pentru oamenii din tara si strainatate carora le ofer pe tava un link care acest colt de univers care este al meu. De acum cine vrea sa caute in sufletul meu va trebui sa-si aduca amine ca exista un barlog al lui Dinescu ...sub forma de blog , sub forma de descatusare emotionala ,ca exista si o persoana care scrie toate tampeniile care-i trec prin minte , o persoana de care le este poate dor ,daca nu ..atunci acest blog chiar nu trebuie sa existe ...nu este pentru ei .
Californication ...de ce ?
Pentru ca sunt atat de tampit incat sa ma uit la un serial american si sa inteleg ca exista dragoste , dincolo de tot si toate de pe aceasta planeta , dincolo de sex , de spending time with someone, de booze, blackout driking , de problemele lui/ei de la o cafea , de viata cotidiana , de micile lucruri care ne umplu viata fie ca vrem fie ca nu ...Si tot acest understanding este la mine ... sta in valorile mele , in imaginatia mea , in felul in care traiesc sau as vrea sa traiesc aceasta viata...
Tampit pentru ca in nebunia lor americanii astia realizeaza ceva , cu filmele hollywood-iene ... si anume realizeaza acel ceva pe care filmele europene (cel putin cele pe care le-am vazut eu ) nu reusesc sa le expuna , realitate ...simpla ,plina de dulcegarii , de happy-ending ... and all hat shit . De ce spun ca reusesc , de ce nu ma iau de acest comercial ? Nu neaparat pentru ca asta prinde la public ....ci pentru ca sigur prinde la public ... pentru ca ei analizeaza psihologia de mase , si lucreaza aceste mase (asemeni unor piete de desfacere a marfii din plan economic) pe latura lor sensibila ...
Cine n-a iubit , n-a avut dezamagiri , n-a urat , n-a respins , n-a incercat sa recucereasca , n-a negat , n-a aprobat , nu are cum sa stie ce se intampla ... Eu aici vorbesc cu ceilalti ...norocosii, care au trecut prin ceva greutati emotionale , sufletesti , morale ...si care au trait clipe mai putin placute cautand sa descopere o cale sa se intoarca iarasi "cu fata la lume" ...plini de incredere, curajosi si maturi ... schimbati , dar nu prea mult, neaparat in bine ... la viata lor .
Asta fac americanii ...ating aceasta latura a firii noastre ... speranta , american dream , visare deasupra realitatii ,plutire deasupre realitatii crude care de multe ori este in mintea ta ... Nu zic ca este bine , nu zic ca este rau ... zic doar ca sunt profesionisti in a intoarce cutitul in rana si asta cred eu ca este cheia succesului lor .
Oameni buni , avem nevoie sa visam , sa dorim , sa credem ca ni se poate intampla , ca de maine se schimba totul , ca se pot implinii visele/visurile .Cu asta ne hranim spiritul , asta ne tine in viata ... mai presus de atingerea telurilor care ne mangaie dulce orgoliul , mandria si " valoarea " . Dragostea este exact acel ceva care ne scapa din aceast drum destul de sinos si riguros catre moarte ... Este acel ceva pe care nu-l controlam , care ne controleaza , care ne da dreptul sa ne purtam ca niste copii , sa facem si sa dregem lucruri trasnite , sa fim intelesi cand gresim ... Si nu in ultimul rand , dragostea , chiar daca dureaza trei ani , ne defineste ca oameni , ca fiinte umane cu suflet ... Restul nu trece pe aici , trece prin creier , prin stomac , prin portofel , prin poze de vacanta ale aparatului foto ...prin alta parte .
Cam atat pe ziua de azi ...sau sa-i zic noaptea de azi ...
By Redy
spots on the brain ...
Prin lentila,
Redy Style,
luni, 8 decembrie 2008
Scrisoare de adio ... de la Placebo
Si cum sunt meloman din fire m-am gandit sa nu treaca aceasta melodie nevalidata in lista mea de aparitii reusite din playlist.
Placebo Lyrics Song to say goodbye
You are one of God's mistakes
You crying, tragic waste of skin
I'm well aware of how it aches
And you still won't let me in
Now I'm breaking down your door
To try and save your swollen face
Though I don't like you anymore
You lying, trying waste of space
My, oh my
A song to say goodbye
A song to say goodbye
A song to say -
Before our innocence was lost
You were always one of those
Blessed with lucky sevens
And the voice that made me cry
My, oh my
You were mother nature's son
Someone to whom I could relate
Your needle and your damage done
Remains a sordid twist of fate
Now I'm trying to wake you up
To pull you from the liquid sky
'Cause if I don't we'll both end up
With just your song to say goodbye
My, oh my
A song to say goodbye
A song to say goodbye
A song to say
Before our innocence was lost
You were always one of those
Blessed with lucky sevens
And the voice that made me cry
It's a song to say goodbye
By Redy
Placebo Lyrics Song to say goodbye
You are one of God's mistakes
You crying, tragic waste of skin
I'm well aware of how it aches
And you still won't let me in
Now I'm breaking down your door
To try and save your swollen face
Though I don't like you anymore
You lying, trying waste of space
My, oh my
A song to say goodbye
A song to say goodbye
A song to say -
Before our innocence was lost
You were always one of those
Blessed with lucky sevens
And the voice that made me cry
My, oh my
You were mother nature's son
Someone to whom I could relate
Your needle and your damage done
Remains a sordid twist of fate
Now I'm trying to wake you up
To pull you from the liquid sky
'Cause if I don't we'll both end up
With just your song to say goodbye
My, oh my
A song to say goodbye
A song to say goodbye
A song to say
Before our innocence was lost
You were always one of those
Blessed with lucky sevens
And the voice that made me cry
It's a song to say goodbye
By Redy
spots on the brain ...
Redy Style,
Cititi Plesu ... va face bine

Mi-a picat in mana o carte de Andrei Plesu , nu conteaza numele cartii , conteaza ca eram eu foarte dornic sa vad cum apare lumea prin prizma convingerilor si viziunii lui ...
Lumea , lucrurile din jur , tara , oamenii nu sunt altfel , nu sunt deloc schimbati fata de modul cum ii vad eu . Diferenta exista insa si este destul de mare , tine de abordare ...
Pur si simplu a pus punctul pe I , a stiut sa simplifice , sa clarifice , sa inteleaga si sa transpuna si altora ... a fost destul de spectaculos sa descopar simplitatea si rigurozitatea cu care si-a impus (acum fiindu-i natural) sa priveasca lumea si s-o abordeze ... Mi-a placut mult ... E genial
Concluzia este ... romanii trebuie sa scape de ideea patriotica cum ca :
Noi , romanii , suntem destepti dar ghinionisti , nu avem probleme mai multe sau mai aprinse ca altii , noi suntem buricul pamantului ... ei (ceilalti) inca nu si-au dat seama . Eu cred ca e timpul sa rationam si sa gandim ca o comunitate , nu fiecare pentru el ...
Felicitari domnule Andrei Plesu pentru viziune
P.S. Daca tot ati citit parerea mea sa va spun si numele cartii :
Comedii la portile Orientului

By Redy
spots on the brain ...
duminică, 7 decembrie 2008
Amintiri prin lentila ... nostalgia de Decembrie

Drumul catre soare ... in Herastrau !

Apus de soare in Grozavesti ... prin termopan

Prima Tv - pupitrul de comanda cu monitorizarea (sediul de la Leu )

O cladire cunoscuta de pe Bulevardul Unirii ,72

O dimineata vazuta din acea cladire
Aeroportul Otopeni - din postul de control... aterizare
Aeroportul Otopeni - din postul de control ... pista


vineri, 5 decembrie 2008
My top 5 slang words
Sex toy favourite position :

1. Screwvenir :
Anything that you keep (whether stolen or given to you) from someone's house after you've slept with them.
2. Homobrofobia :
The fear that your brother will be or is gay.
3. Flavorgasm :
When eating food so good that you let out an involuntary moan, usually the first bite; also as an adjective - flavorgasmic
4. Grandboss :
The boss of your boss.
5. Pornocchio :
A person who embellishes their sexcapades to sound cooler.
by Redy
1. Screwvenir :
Anything that you keep (whether stolen or given to you) from someone's house after you've slept with them.
2. Homobrofobia :
The fear that your brother will be or is gay.
3. Flavorgasm :
When eating food so good that you let out an involuntary moan, usually the first bite; also as an adjective - flavorgasmic
4. Grandboss :
The boss of your boss.
5. Pornocchio :
A person who embellishes their sexcapades to sound cooler.
by Redy
spots on the brain ...
Redy Style,
The men Thing,
joi, 4 decembrie 2008
Who am I ? Only ... civilised
In plina criza financiara , poate ca ar trebui sa ne gandim inca o data daca drumul pe care omenirea paseste este cel mai bun ...
Poate ca ar trebui analizate si schimbate cu alte valori ... asa-zisele realizari globale , si asa zisele urme de " civilizatie " ... dar sa-i lasam pe baieti sa ne recite nitel :
Lyrics to Boy Kill Boy : Civil Sin
Here's to the gods and their seats on high
Nobody knows anything
Here's to the flags in their guilty sky
Nobody says anything
This aside, this coast is clear
It doesn't help, it doesn't help me
Who am I? Only
One more life that you can owe me
It's civilised, it's civilised, it's civil sin
Who am I? Only
One more lie so you can own me
It's civilised, it's civilised, it's civil sin
Here's to the crown in their Sunday best
Nobody knows anything
Here's to the crowd, slaves who never rest
Nobody says anything
And this aside, this coast is clear
Until one man buys the whole show
And this aside, my mind is clear
It doesn't help, it doesn't help me
Who am I? Only
One more life that you can owe me
It's civilised, it's civilised, it's civil sin
Who am I? Only
One more lie so you can own me
It's civilised, it's civilised, it's civil sin
Poate ca ar trebui analizate si schimbate cu alte valori ... asa-zisele realizari globale , si asa zisele urme de " civilizatie " ... dar sa-i lasam pe baieti sa ne recite nitel :
Lyrics to Boy Kill Boy : Civil Sin
Here's to the gods and their seats on high
Nobody knows anything
Here's to the flags in their guilty sky
Nobody says anything
This aside, this coast is clear
It doesn't help, it doesn't help me
Who am I? Only
One more life that you can owe me
It's civilised, it's civilised, it's civil sin
Who am I? Only
One more lie so you can own me
It's civilised, it's civilised, it's civil sin
Here's to the crown in their Sunday best
Nobody knows anything
Here's to the crowd, slaves who never rest
Nobody says anything
And this aside, this coast is clear
Until one man buys the whole show
And this aside, my mind is clear
It doesn't help, it doesn't help me
Who am I? Only
One more life that you can owe me
It's civilised, it's civilised, it's civil sin
Who am I? Only
One more lie so you can own me
It's civilised, it's civilised, it's civil sin
Femeia ... o idee

Pentru fiecare , muzica , exprima ceva .Pentru mine ma duce cu gandul la anii de facultate , camin , fara responsabilitati , fara job ... cu plecat la 6 dimineata din Club A , Expirat sau B 52 " comme une oiseaux " , citit pe banca in Cismigiu , plecat la Vama spontan fara griji si fara bani ...
The Kooks - "She Moves In Her Own Way" the lyrics
So at my show on Monday
I was hoping someday
You'd be on your way to better things
It's not about your make-up
Or how you try to shape up
To these tiresome paper dreams
Paper dreams, honey
So now you pour your heart out
You're telling me you're far out
You're not about to lie down for your cause
But you don't pull my strings
'Cos I'm a better man
Moving on to better things
Well uh oh, oh I love her because she moves in her own way
Well uh oh, oh she came to my show just to hear about my day
And at the show on Tuesday
She was in her mindset
Tempered furs and spangled boots
Looks are deceiving
Make me believe it
And these tiresome paper dreams
Paper dreams, honey
So wont you go far
Tell me you're a keeper
Not about to lie down for your cause
And you don't pull my strings
'Cos I'm a better man
Moving on to better things
Well oh oh, oh I love her because she moves in her own way
Well oh oh, oh she came to my show just to hear about my day
yes I wish that we never made it
Through all the summers
They're keeping us instead of
Kicking us back
Down through the suburbs
yes I wish that we never made it
Through all the summers
They're keeping us instead of
Kicking us back
Down through the suburbs
But uh oh, I love her because she moves in her own way
But uh oh, she came to my show just to hear about my day
But uh oh, oh I love her because she moves in her own way
But uh oh, oh she came to my show just to hear about my day
By Redy
I'm not over ... I'm not over you
Fara vreo legatura cu realitatea virtuala ... oare ? :)
O melodie "foarte smechera" ... care te tine in club la 4 dimineata .
... and this is the Redy Style ...
DJ play that shit !!!
Carolina Liar - I'm Not Over lyrics
What a waste of time, the thought crossed my mind
But I never missed a beat
Can't explain the who or what I was
Trying to believe
What would you do?
What would you do?
Do you know?
I once had a grip on everything
It feels better to let go
I'm not over
I'm not over you just yet
Cannot hide it
You're not that easy to forget
I'm not over
Never took the chance, could've jump the fence
I was scared of my own two feet
Couldn't cross the line, it was black and white
No contrast to be seen
What would you do?
What would you do?
Do you know?
Was it all a joke, never had control
I'm not better on my own
I'm not over
I'm not over you just yet
Cannot hide it
You're not that easy to forget
I'm not over
What a waste of time
The thought crossed my mind
Can't explain this thing, or what I mean
I'm trying to let go
I'm not over
I'm not over you just yet
Cannot hide it
You're not that easy to forget
I'm not over
I'm not over you just yet
Cannot hide it
You're not that easy to forget
I'm not over
I'm not over
By Redy
O melodie "foarte smechera" ... care te tine in club la 4 dimineata .
... and this is the Redy Style ...
DJ play that shit !!!
Carolina Liar - I'm Not Over lyrics
What a waste of time, the thought crossed my mind
But I never missed a beat
Can't explain the who or what I was
Trying to believe
What would you do?
What would you do?
Do you know?
I once had a grip on everything
It feels better to let go
I'm not over
I'm not over you just yet
Cannot hide it
You're not that easy to forget
I'm not over
Never took the chance, could've jump the fence
I was scared of my own two feet
Couldn't cross the line, it was black and white
No contrast to be seen
What would you do?
What would you do?
Do you know?
Was it all a joke, never had control
I'm not better on my own
I'm not over
I'm not over you just yet
Cannot hide it
You're not that easy to forget
I'm not over
What a waste of time
The thought crossed my mind
Can't explain this thing, or what I mean
I'm trying to let go
I'm not over
I'm not over you just yet
Cannot hide it
You're not that easy to forget
I'm not over
I'm not over you just yet
Cannot hide it
You're not that easy to forget
I'm not over
I'm not over
By Redy
spots on the brain ...
Redy Style
miercuri, 3 decembrie 2008
Adi Despot iesit din fire ...si nu din Fire
Una peste alta ... lu asta i-au tremurat chilotii sa-i ia interviu lui Adi ... vai steaua ei ... am ras in hohote ...
Bucurestiul ... privit de sus
Am dat de curand peste niste poze de arhiva ...ale Bucurestiului , si pentru ca stau la marginea centrului vechi , inconjurat de multe edificii si cladiri reprezentative ale Bucurestiului de alta data , m-am hotarat sa mazgalesc o pagina de blog cu poze si ganduri ...
Aici avem o poza in noapte ... opera personala ... luminile de pe Splaiul Dambovitei ...

Acum o vedere total diferita ... catre Turnul din Piata Natiunilor Unite ... ziua .

Bucurestiul pe vremea comunismului megaloman ... portul Tomis sau Bulevardul Unirii , ce vreti voi ...

What u see is what u get ... Diferentele nu chiar atat de mari de peste ani ...
Track changes ...

Micul "Little Big " Paris ... Bucharest ,capitala de sec. 21 .

By Redy
Aici avem o poza in noapte ... opera personala ... luminile de pe Splaiul Dambovitei ...

Acum o vedere total diferita ... catre Turnul din Piata Natiunilor Unite ... ziua .
Bucurestiul pe vremea comunismului megaloman ... portul Tomis sau Bulevardul Unirii , ce vreti voi ...

What u see is what u get ... Diferentele nu chiar atat de mari de peste ani ...
Track changes ...

Micul "Little Big " Paris ... Bucharest ,capitala de sec. 21 .

By Redy
spots on the brain ...
Bucharest and the rest,
Prin lentila,
Redy Style,
marți, 2 decembrie 2008
Nepotelul meu iubit ... Andrei ...LMA !
Am ajuns la Ploiesti de sfantul Andrei , de ce ... pai e ziua de nume a unui bun prieten si nepotelul meu de doua luni are prima lui onomastica ...
A venit gatit in intampinarea oaspetilor , nu a plans ba chiar a ras de cateva ori , de dormit nici n-a vrut sa auda , a rezistat cu curaj si demnitate la avalansa de pupaturi si laude ce i-au fost adresate ... S-a simtit bine in pielea lui .
Sa cresti mare si voinic , Andrei !
spots on the brain ...
Prin lentila,
Redy Style,
The men Thing
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