vineri, 26 aprilie 2013

Eclipsa de luna ...

- imagine de ... Tom Hoops

Eclipsa de luna 

Am închis calimara cu cerneala
Gandurile mele nu au nevoie de pana ...

Privesc lenes la o reflexie de luna plină
Sunt un zmeu inaltat in vazduh ...
Si uitat acolo ...
Intr-o zi senina ...

Ma zbat intre ganduri si idei ...
Captiv intr-un labirint al oglindirii mele

Cu ochii inchisi reusesc sa razbat
Printre pareri si concluzii pripite
Simtindu-mi adancul ...
Vibrat de lumina ... 

by Tiberiu Dinescu  (Lezoazo)

joi, 18 aprilie 2013

... de la Tom Hoops citire

Here’s my answer.

Multumesc Tom !

1- Style is a voice, not a prop or an action. If you can buy it, borrow it, download it, or steal it, it is not a style. Don’t look outward for your style; look inward.
2- Know your stuff. Luck is a nice thing, but a terrifying thing to rely on. It’s like money; you only have it when you don’t need it.
3- Never apologize for your own sense of beauty. Nobody can tell you what you should love. Do what you do brazenly and unapologetically. You cannot build your sense of aesthetics on a concensus.
4- Say no. Say it often. It may be difficult, but you owe it to yourself and your clients. Turn down jobs that don’t fit you, say no to overbooking yourself. You are no good to anyone when you’re stressed and anxious.
5- Learn to say “I’m a photographer” out loud with a straight face. If you can’t say it and believe it, you can’t expect anyone else to, either.
6- You cannot specialize in everything.
7- You don’t have to go into business just because people tell you you should! And you don’t have to be full time and making an executive income to be successful. If you decide you want to be in business, set your limits before you begin.
8- Know your style before you hang out your shingle. If you don’t, your clients will dictate your style to you. That makes you nothing more than a picture taker. Changing your style later will force you to start all over again, and that’s tough.
9- Accept critique, but don’t apply it blindly. Just because someone said it does not make it so. Critiques are opinions, nothing more. Consider the advice, consider the perspective of the advice giver, consider your style and what you want to convey in your work. Implement only what makes sense to implement. That doesn’t not make you ungrateful, it makes you independent.
10- Leave room for yourself to grow and evolve. It may seem like a good idea to call your business “Precious Chubby Tootsies”….but what happens when you decide you love to photograph seniors? Or boudoir?
11- Remember that if your work looks like everyone else’s, there’s no reason for a client to book you instead of someone else. Unless you’re cheaper. And nobody wants to be known as “the cheaper photographer”.
12- Gimmicks and merchandise will come and go, but honest photography is never outdated.
13- It’s easier to focus on buying that next piece of equipment than it is to accept that you should be able to create great work with what you’ve got. Buying stuff is a convenient and expensive distraction. You need a decent camera, a decent lens, and a light meter. Until you can use those tools consistently and masterfully, don’t spend another dime. Spend money on equipment ONLY when you’ve outgrown your current equipment and you’re being limited by it. There are no magic bullets.
14- Learn that people photography is about people, not about photography. Great portraits are a side effect of a strong human connection.
15- Never forget why you started taking pictures in the first place. Excellent technique is a great tool, but a terrible end product. The best thing your technique can do is not call attention to itself. Never let your technique upstage your subject.
16- Never compare your journey with someone else’s. It’s a marathon with no finish line. Someone else may start out faster than you, may seem to progress more quickly than you, but every runner has his own pace. Your journey is your journey, not a competition. You will never “arrive”. No one ever does.
17- Embrace frustration. It pushes you to learn and grow, broadens your horizons, and lights a fire under you when your work has gone cold. Nothing is more dangerous to an artist than complacency.

- CJ
Tom Hoops

Pinging colors tonight... pentru Binele Tau

Pinging colors? It's like going to your computer , open a command prompt ,type ping and than the address ...

Adica unii gasesc adevarate universuri in zona abstracta de fotografie macro , in detaliile acelea , pe cand altii   vad necuprinsul , minunea si universul de deaupra cerului ... Asa suntem noi , diferiti .In schimb toti facem fotografie . Scriere cu lumina , cu energie , cu iubire , cu scopul "iluminarii" celui ce vede imaginea , celui pus in fata povestii si a experientei de moment a fotografului  ...iluminare la toate nivelele , sa-l faca sa simta , sa gandeasca si fizic sa nu se desprinda de langa imagine pana nu a inteles  ....

Asta e scopul nostru al tuturor ... este rostul nostru , este menirea noastra  !

Fiecare si-a ales aparatul sau de fotografiat , de documentat zona sa de presupusa pasiune ... Unii un tractor , altii in alb la spital , altii cu sabia dreptatii iesind din institutionalizatul tribunal ..."taind"cu dragoste si iubire imprejur ... altii cu portofelul plin ,altii cu degetele pe clapele pianului si  altii cu casca de miner ...

Haideti sa scriem cu lumina , sa ne fotografiem pe noi , in oglinda experientelor noastre si a constiintei ranite , si apoi sa ne developam sau photoshopam , dupa care sa ne atarnam imaginea pe peretele cameri in care dormim ... Sa ne privim in ochi in fiecare seara inainte de culcare ... Sa ne privim si sa ne scriem in carnetelul prafuit de pe masuta cu carti , un cuvant care descrie la cum am gandit azi , despre Noi  .

Daca sintagma "binele tau" ar capata un rol , ar fi un personaj precum Nica al Stefan al Petrei  , numindu-se chiar Binele Tau ... un personaj pe jumatate roman , jumatate japonez ... atunci :

Binele Tau ar avea grija sa ai cat mai multe coincidente in viata ...
Binele Tau o sa te faca sa simti cum lucrurile incep sa se sincronizeze pentru tine , nu o sa alergi dupa ele nici n-o sa le mai pierzi...
Binele Tau stie sa schimbe ceea ce noi am spune ca se numeste Destin , ce ne este scris ... drumul  .

Lasa raza sa treaca prin tine ...
Lasa raza sa treaca prin tine ...

Lasa raza sa treaca prin tine ...

Care credeti ca este genul de fotografie in care ma exprim cel mai bine ?