sâmbătă, 17 decembrie 2011


"Art is everywhere, except it has to pass through a creative mind."

High For This from michaelcumming.tv on Vimeo.

"Nature knows no indecencies; man invents them."

Me by Myself from Simon Bolz on Vimeo.

"Artists use lies to tell the truth. Yes, I created a lie. But because you believed it, you found something true about yourself."

The Cure from shootmefashion.net on Vimeo.

"Beauty is a curse on the world, it keeps us from seeing who the real monsters are."


Inspiration here and here , mood and mental answers ...me , you ...us

by Redy

luni, 21 noiembrie 2011

This is art ...

"In 1886 Vincent van Gogh painted a pair of very worn boots. It was a small painting—18 inches by 15—but a powerful one .
The painting is not simply an arrangement of pigments, nor even, primarily, a representation of something. It is, rather, a statement about a world that lies beyond the painting—the hard life and work of the peasant who wore these boots. It is a portrait of the man and his life painted in his absence. The painting is a window through which we see not just these boots but their place in a world of toil and struggle. "

This was art ...

Meaning in abstract expressionism lay in the heroic act of the artist. In Rothko it lay in a form of spiritual contemplation; in Pollock it emerged from the carefully contained workings of chance. The personality of the artist was crucial. The paintings were windows that looked inwards to psychology rather than out to the world. They were hermetic, recognisable only as elevated forms of introspection.

This was art too ...

What is art now , than ?

sursa de aici

Andrei CohnSpune despre mediul creativ al Advertising-ului :

"Toate agentiile au o biblioteca. Daca o sa te plimbi prin agentii o sa vezi ca cei mai multi au o biblioteca. Cei mai multi au carti din advertising. Ceea ce creeaza un sistem foarte gresit: acela de a face advertising din advertising. Advertising-ul se face din viata, din alte lucruri. Nu din el insusi. Cum nici arta facuta din arta nu e okay. Arta facuta din viata e okay, e adevarata, interesanta si noua tot timpul."

Sursa pe aici

Art is everywhere ... Life is inspiring !

luni, 31 octombrie 2011

C'asa e'n tenis ...

... sau cum ar zice altcineva : "Life sucks and than you die ... "

Hello people ... traim intr-o lume agitata , "rea" cumva datorita faptului ca suntem tot timpul in miscare ,in transformare , in negarea a ce am crezut ieri si cu improspatarea entuziasmului ptr azi si chiar maine pe buze ...
Cateodata "cruda" pentru unii sau amuzanta pentru altii , debusolanta pentru marea majoritate ...

People hellllloooo ...
Relaxati-va ,enjoy ... Incercati sa traiti si adrenalina unei ore de meditatie si bucurie vizuala in parc, dupa o tura buna cu bicicleta , lasati doar nevoia disperata sa atingeti scopuri , sa va afisati intr-o anumita postura , sa nu gresiti sau/si sa nu va lasati criticati ...

Relax , take it easy ... Viata nu se masoara numai in victoria finala ...care-o fi aceea ptr voi , daca credeti ca exista una ... cat e "un bilet de calatorie pe planeta Pamant " , cu bune si rele , cu opriri intre statii , cu tunele intunecate , cu ploaie si grindina , cu soare , norisori albi si cer senin azuriu ... Viata reprezinta oameni cu care e bine sa te imprietenesti "ca sa ne spuna toti ceilalti cine suntem " , evenimente , datorie , drum , scop , prioritati , evolutie , educatie , emotie , sentiment ,stare de fapt siii RELAXAREEEE ! Relaxare mentala si fizica , in decizii si abordare a calatoriei ...

enjoy life si nu mai puneti intrebari de genul ...

Ce inseamna sa ti la cineva si ce inseamna sa vrei sa intri intr-o relatie cu persoana respectiva ? Asemanari si deosebiri ...
Independenta si interdependenta de cineva ... cine si cum se stablesc granitele ? Asemanari si deosebiri ...
Esti un aventurier , un barbat sofisticat , ai o strategie de viata prin care descoperi lumea sau vinzi diverse asteptari femeilor din viata ta ? Asemanari si deosebiri ...
M-am sarutat intr-o seara cu cineva - am inselat persoana iubita ?
De ce nu esti intr-o relatie , ce-ti place atata vanatoare si seducere ?
Cum te pozitionezi in relatie cu femeile , ce anume trebuie sa faci astfel incat sa nu se inteleaga ca le dai asteptari ?
Ce-i aia a da asteptari si ce treaba are unul cu asteptarile altuia ?

Ce pot eu raspunde decat ... "C'asa e'n tenis !"

Oameni buni ...relax , viata e frumoasa asa cum ti-o faci ... cum vrei s-o vezi , cum vrei s-o petreci . cum vrei sa te bucuri de ea ...
Trebuie sa inveti s-o pretuiesti si apoi te poti bucura si de tine si de munca ta si de timpul tau si de iubita ta , si de agitatie si de relaxare si de vacante si de stres si de adrenalina si de tihna ... Viata le inglobeaza ...

by Redy

P.S. "C'est la vie toujours parchive comme la femme toujours naive"

sâmbătă, 22 octombrie 2011

Povesti de azi ...

Incerc sa ma relaxez nitel ... in ultima vreme am alergat destul de mult si am fost super ocupat ...
Cum fac asta  ? Cumva calatorind in spatiu si timp , intrand in tainele lumii alaturi de entuziastmul unor oameni care te ispira , te motiveaza :

- o fotografa japoneza care a uimit lumea la o varsta foarte frageda , pe numele ei : Zhang Jingna
- magie vizuala alaturi de Thought of You - by Ryan Woodward

- Leah Dieterich multumeste tutror din anumite motive , personale ... foarte interesant

- o lista despre planeta ,oameni si locuri ... BBC

- top-ul filmelor care ar fi interesant de vazut ...

- apoi versuri de Jim Morrison :

" You're lost little girl
You're lost little girl
You're lost
Tell me who
Are you?

I think that you know what to do
Impossible? Yes, but it's true
I think that you know what to do, yeah
I'm sure that you know what to do"

Ce sa zic ...o zi incarcata ...

vineri, 7 octombrie 2011

today lesson ... Less is more !

Most of the things let us untouched , indifferent ... bored , becouse we don't simply like to look near us ... we are to busy ... more busy is more money ... more money is more spending ...more spending is new life style and more credit for our dreams and hopes ... that means tought schedule ... and here we go again ... Busy FRENZY !

About life editing ...

despre ce ai cu adevarat nevoie , despre ce inseamna a nu mai fi prada consumerismului ... Personal space , credit ... enviromental footprint ... Freedom and time - save money and live " hungry "

Less stuff - more happiness , more time , more freedom . Less is more !

Apoi daca e sa extrapolam ... ascultatui melodia asta si trageti voi concluzia ...

Alta idee despre care am citit azi si despre care am ramas meditativ , este despre "trecerea timpului" sau mai ales durata trecrii timpului ...
Cat traieste un om fata de altul in o viata de om ... cat de mult conteaza sa traiesti viata la limita cu riscul de a fi mai scurta datorita exagerarilor repetate ... si cat de mult conteaza sa traiesti o viata moderata , banala , previzibila ...mai multi ani !

by Lezoazo (the Photomaker)

duminică, 25 septembrie 2011

De ceva timp n-am mai scris ...

Da .... asa este , nu am mai scris pe blog .
Nu putini m-au intrebat cumva cu superioritate (mai mult pentru faptul ca nu au avut niciodata incredere in ideea de blog )... : "Ce-ti mai face blogul ? " , " Am vazut ca nu mai ai activitate , te-ai lasat ? "

Ei bine , n-am mai scris asa des pentru ca am intrat mai greu in barlog , iar cand am intrat am avut multe alte activitati ... sincer imi pare rau ca nu avem mai mult timp intr-o zi , 24 de ore este prea putin atunci cand esti in cautare  ...

Da , sunt in cautare , este o cautare de a ma descoperi , de a ma cunoaste , de a ma perfectiona , de a deveni si de a ma regasi ... privind cand in mine cand peste tot in jurul meu . Am "inceput" (de vreo 2 ani tot zic asta si nu stiu cat mai tine ) sa fiu pasionat de fotografie ... sa citesc despre viata de fotograf , despre reguli de fotografiere , despre concepte , despre trasee ... am inceput sa descopar o lume , aceasi lume, insa cu alti ochi ...

The Cardigans - Hanging Around

De cateva luni bune daca nu un an ... adun in sectiunea : " Ce citesc cand nu scriu " , tot felul de locuri de pe net de care am ramas impresionat si unde as vrea sa mai revin ... Au RSS deci si ei daca posteaza ceva imi apar in lista cu ultimele aparitii , asa ca imi incep ziua facand o sinteza a zielei ... citind si informandu-ma despre ce cum si in ce fel se mai misca lumea ...

Va propun sa faceti si voi la fel , daca vedeti ca eu n-am content pe pagina ...mergeti acolo si vedeti ce s-a mai intamplat ... Altfel , daca o sa am ceva de spus o sa spun , daca am ceva de aratat o sa mai arat ... FB-ul sau Google +  vad ca sunt mai la indemana pentru share links and stuff  , insa o sa incerc sa imi adaug in lista cat mai multe surse senzationale de puncte de vedere ... Despre fotografie , viata , cultura si nu numai  !

O duminica relaxanta va doresc !

Lezoazo (The Photomaker)

miercuri, 21 septembrie 2011

Mirajul picturii in fotografie ...

Apropierea dintre pictura si fotografie se intinde pe cateva secole de prietenie si apoi multe alte secole de vrajba ... insa in fotografie stilul pictural ramane la fel de impresionant cu cat conceptual capata valente foarte consistente .


Anunt de azi :

100%.RO cauta fotograf pentru realizarea dosarului de presa a colectiei de Haute Couture ce va fi prezentata in Bucuresti la sfarsitul lunii octombrie, si in Paris, la Grand Palais la jumatatea lunii noiembrie.

100%.RO este un proiect demarat dintr-o initiativă privată pentru a pune în valoare patrimoniul cultural românesc, prin reinterpretarea sa în limbaje culturale moderne. Prima etapă a acestui proiect constă în crearea unei colectii Haute Couture, concepute de designerul francez Philippe Guilet si lucrată cu ajutorul artizanilor, a atelierelor si al creatorilor români, pornind de la surse de inspiratie românesti.

Asociatia 100%.RO va sprijini fotograful ca pe un artist, promovandu-l si acordand credit pentru fotografiile realizate, dar nu-l va remunera. Experienta insa de a realiza fotografiile pentru un dosar de presa ce va fi prezentat in fata unui public de elita la Paris si la Bucuresti, il va imbogati, avand sansa de a se face cunoscut in fata unor personalitati din domeniul modei, trend-setteri,etc. Va fi mentionat in materialele de comunicare, ceea ce il va face cunoscut ca si parte din echipa ce a lucrat la realizarea dosarului de presa.

Va invitam sa depuneti dosarul dumneavoastra, portofoliul, book-ul de fotografii la Ambasada Frantei in Romania (strada Biserica Amzei nr 13-15, sector 1, Bucuresti) pana marti 27 septembrie, ora 18. Experienta in fotografiile de moda, atentia si precizia detaliilor sunt un avantaj. Va rugam sa mentionati pe plic: "In atentia Danielei Constantin - pentru 100%.RO".

Mult succes!

Acum sa-mi spuneti voi care-i stilul ca sa va spun cine are nevoie de voi :)

video tutorial : zack arias one light workshop , joe mcNally 

luni, 19 septembrie 2011

Documentary photography ...

Photographer .... an artist (print sales and exibition fees ) not a photo jurnalist going on assignments anymore ...

The approach for photojournalists is searching for the every day not necesary for the exotic ... Miss the every day ... esspecialy when you're going abroad is a common mistake that is made ... a place , a group , a country must be seen from ordinary to exotic not other way around .

How can you represent your ideas visually, what you're trying to get across ? Crossing borders from different photographic styles ,borrowing the atmosphere and the technique makes a difference in your way to approach the photographic story !

Use the search engines in photography , this is our relation with curiosity about the world in high speed century ...

Nu pot sa nu adaug acest musical frantuzesc :

Enjoy ... 
Lezoazo (The Photomaker)

joi, 1 septembrie 2011

Today's story

Este important ca in fiecare zi sa faci ceva in legatura cu fotografia daca asta e pasiunea ta ... don't let any day to pass without it  !

Winners of  2011 :


Iconography on blog :


Today's music is all about calm and vivid senses ...

Suplex The Kid - Duck And Cover, Charlie Brown

marți, 30 august 2011

Corespondenta cauzala ...

Inspirat de ... David Sylvian - Sleepwalkers

Your poetry describing me
It doesn't come close
You work the handle
You smear and turn
But you come no closer to meaning

It's your vanity
That's obvious
It embarrasses
Those that adore you
But who's gonna talk
Oh how it'll hurt
You were always unstable
But you've gotten worse

You looked into mirrors
Where death was at work
Of that you were certain
But it was all surface
And surface is numb

Something to wake us
From cultural slumbers
You fucking sleepwalkers
Go on and sleep

Go on and sleep

This is tomorrow

A trecut o saptamana de concediu alaturi de "Vama sub lumini de Oscar - workshop de fotografie" , cu oameni frumosi , cu program de lucru 10-23 , cu selectie de cateva cadre din 1000 , cu lectori care mai de care , cumva imprumutandu-ne din energia lor ... am simit ca am aripi ...

Acum la cateva zile de sedimentare ... inca troneaza o energie vie : foto , like-uri , comment-uri , Fb , grupul luminilor de Oscar ... ceea ce reiese ca efervescenta data de acest eveniment nu a pierit ... e in noi ...

Multumim frumos tuturor pentru aceasta minunata amintire !

In incheiere as vrea sa adaug cateva titluri de filme care n-ar trebui ratate ca fotograf :

Visual Acoustics: Modernism of Julius Shulman [2010]
Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Impassioned Eye [2006]
The Genius of Photography [2007]
War Photographer  [2002]
Manufactured Landscapes [2006]
Annie Leibovitz – Life Through a Lens [2006]
National Geographic’s The Photographers [1996]
What Remains: The Life and Work of Sally Mann [2008]
Contacts, Vol. 3: Conceptual Photography (2001)
William Eggleston in the Real World [2005]

Flags of Our Fathers (Drama)
  Rear Window (Thriller)
  Pecker (Comedy)
  City of God (Cidade de Deus) (Drama)

The Power of Photography

Copyrights: A Love Hate Relationship


City of God (Fernando Meirelles, Kátia Lund).
Salvador (Oliver Stone).
Blow-up (Micheangelo Antonioni).
The killing fields (Roland Joffé).
Under fire (Roger Spottiswoode)
Pecker (John Waters).
The Year of Living Dangerously (Peter Weir).
Shooting Robert King (Richard Parry).
Born into Brothels (Ross Kauffman, Zana Briski).
Frankie’s House (Peter Fisk).
The Photographer (Jeremy Stein).
The knife (A grande Arte) (Walter Selles).
Triage (Danis Tanovic).
The public eye (Howard Franklin).
Positive (Farhan Akhtar).
Girl in a mirror (Kathy Drayton).
Palermo Shooting (Win Wenders).
Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus (Steven Shainberg).
In my father’s den (Brad McGann).
Eyes of Laura Mars (Irvin Kershner).
High Art (Lisa Cholodenko).


War Photographer (James Nachtwey).
Strand, Under the Dark Cloth (John Walker).
The September issue (RJ Cutler).
The Death of Kevin Carter: Casualty of the Bang Bang Club (Dan Kraus).
The Bang Bang Club (Steven Silver).
La vida loca (Christian Poveda).
Contacts, Vol. 1: The Great Tradition of Photojournalism (Various)
Contacts, Vol. 2: The Renewal of Contemporary Photography (Various)
Contacts, Vol. 3: Conceptual Photography (Various)
American masters. Annie Leibovitz: Life through a lens.
Robert Capa: in love an war (Anne Makepeace) .
Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Impassioned Eye (Heinz Butler).
Paisajes transformados (Jennifer Baichwal).
The genius of Photography.
La ciudad de los fotógrafos (Sebastián Moreno).
Stranger with a camera (Elizabeth Barret).
An unlikely weapon (Susan Morgan Cooper).
William Eggleston in the Real World (Michael Almereyda).
An American Journey: In Robert Frank’s Footsteps.
The Photographers Series: Debbie Fleming Caffery.
Berenice Abbott: A View of the 20th Century.
Tierney Gearon: The Mother Project.
The Decisive Moment (Henri Cartier-Bresson).
Pictures from a Revolution (Susan Meiselas).
Helmut Newton: Frames from the Edge.
Toward the Margin of Life (Cornell Capa).
The Adventure of Photography (Various).
   Aaron Siskind.
What Remains: The Life and Work of Sally Mann.
American Masters – Richard Avedon: Darkness and Light.
Masters of Photography – Diane Arbus.
Photographer: Alfred Eisenstaedt.
Masters of Photography – André Kertesz.
W. Eugene Smith: Photography Made Difficult.
Masters of Photography – Edward Steichen.
American Masters – Alfred Stieglitz: The Eloquent Eye.
John Szarkowski: A Life in Photography.
Peter Beard: Scrapbooks From Africa & Beyond.
American Photography (Various). Half Past Autumn – The Life and Works of Gordon Parks.
National Geographic’s The Photographers (Various).
Ansel Adams – A Documentary Film.

10. Pretty Baby (1978)
Pretty Baby [Amazon] – This is a Louis Malle film set in a New Orleans bordello about Violet (a young Brooke Shields) who, at age twelve, is preparing to become a prostitute. Bellocq (Keith Carradine) enters the district area to photograph the prostitutes and falls in love with Violet. It’s a beautiful and heartbreaking tale with wonderful cinematography. This one is for the true art lovers of the world.
9. Calendar (1993)
Calendar [Amazon] – A photographer and his wife are capturing images of old churches for a calendar. Wonderfully directed with strong performances by everyone involved. It’s hard to sum up this movie in a short paragraph. It’s filled with so many layers you just have to see it over and over again, each time deriving insights that weren’t there before, but they were.
8. Photographing Fairies (1997)
Photographing Fairies [Amazon] – A photographer (Toby Stephens) becomes obsessed with trying to disprove the “true sightings” of fairies in this wonderfully directed movie. The musical score is nothing short of brilliant which perfectly compliments the complexities in this movie. It’s about life, love, faith…
7. Pecker (1998)
Pecker [Amazon] – Edward Furlong plays a young photographer who gets discovered after putting together an exhibit depicting everyday life. Well, everyday if you happen to have friendslike his. It’s a punch in the mouth to the art world and a funny way to look at photography beforeflickr.
6. Under Fire (1983)
Under Fire [Amazon] – This one is for all the photojournalist out there. Nick Nolte gives a great performance in this political thriller. It’s romantic and filled with ethical dilemmas when the correspondents start taking sides. Timeless lessons to be learned here. Quotable line “In 20 years we shall see who is right.”
5. A Lot Like Love (2005)
A Lot Like Love [Amazon] – I love Amanda Peet. There, I said it. This is what my wife and I refer to as a good lazy Sunday movie. It’s a romantic comedy that doesn’t require a ton of thinking. Boy with camera meets girl. Boy gives camera to girl who then becomes a photographer. Boy finds girl through her works and they reunite. Simple but I love the photography in it.
4. Full Metal Jacket (1987)
Full Metal Jacket [Amazon] – War is hell. If you haven’t seen this movie, where the heck have you been? It’s Kubrick at his best and his worst. The film seems like short stories patched together, but I’ve always thought it gave a great insight into the complexities of being a war journalist. I’m a guy, so I have to love this movie. Besides…it’s KUBRICK!
3. Closer (2004)
Closer [Amazon] – Julia Roberts plays a photographer who falls in love with a writer who’s dating a stripper but she marries a dermatologist. It’s a movie about love, betrayal, and heartbreak. But more than that it makes you take a contemplative look at how ugly the world can be when we are surrounded by such beauty. My favorite scene in the movie is when Julia’s character, Anna, has her gallery showing. The works in this exhibit are fantastic.
2. High Art (1998)
High Art [Amazon] – An up and coming editor at an art magazine meets photographer Syd (Ally Sheedy) and tries to help her own career by featuring Syd’s work in the mag. A love interest sparks and difficulties ensue. Syd struggles with the paradigm of creating content the magazine wants or creating the art that she needs to produce. The art world can be so pretentious that it hurts. Sheedy puts in a superb performance and the storyline is top notch.
1. Blow-up (1966)
Blow Up [Amazon] – This film is simply essential. It should be taught in all photography courses the world over. Set in London’s swinging sixties a fashion photographer accidentally stumbles across something in his negatives. It’s provocative and mysterious, you’ll question everything about this movie. Then you’ll watch it again. It’s an art movie like no other and you’ll love the mime tennis scene at the end.
Si inca cateva Photography Movies :

Daido Moriyama - Stray Dog Of Tokyo
Sally Mann - What Remains
Trent Parke - Dreamlives
William Klein - Out Of Nessesity

I found some real goodies "Visions and Images, American Photographers on Photography "  1980's interviews with:

Elliot Erwitt

Garry Winogrand

Cornell Capa, Burk Uzzle

Joel Meyerowitz

Horst P Horst

Frederick Sommer

Harry Callahan

Duane Michals

Barbara Morgan

Arnold Newman

"Ron Haviv - Freelance in a World at Risk".  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6jn-T74inE (Full)
Similar to War Photographer but with less production polish.  National Geographic documentary.

Lomo Documentary "The Lomo Camera-Shoot from the Hip." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pd-fufbjeo0 (Part 1 Full)
BBC documentary.

"At Close Range"  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0SgFMN1NjU  (Trailer)
PBS documentary on National Geographic photographer Joel Sartore.

"Vietnam's Unseen War-Pictures from the Other Side"  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZcxwtKp7BM (Full)
National Geographic documentary.

Care credeti ca este genul de fotografie in care ma exprim cel mai bine ?