marți, 13 aprilie 2010


"O imagine face cat o mie de cuvinte , un nume cat o mie de imagini " ...

Scurt si cuprinzator , reflexia omului in societate se face printr-un nume  . Asa este recunoscut , asimilat si inglobat omul in societate .

Numele de azi este DINU .
Castigatorul concursului de blitz Colosseum , Maestru Fide , ELO 2294 .

Am realizat un fotoreportaj de la evenimentul organizat de Colosseum Arena unde s-a incins un joc pe cinste .
44 participanti , premii castigatorilor si nu numai , aer soare primavara si creiere incinse pentru iubitorii de sah , care s-au intalnit la LEU pentru a da binete primaverii .

Multumim Colosseum Arena si participantilor !

P.S. In ultuma imagine avem podiumul .De la stanga la dreapta in ordinea numerelor de pe tricou 3. Florin Vladescu 2. Lucian Miron 1. Dumitru-Daniel Dinu

by Redy

joi, 8 aprilie 2010

This is passion

"Why is it so hard to define what Street Photography is about? Why do all attempts do describe this genre remain so oddly diffuse? Why is there no 25-pages-manual, something you can read and (hopefully) understand and off you go? You may be able to operate your gear well, you may have done amazing macros, table-tops, architecture-shots and even portraits, you can and should read all of the following – and yet you may not have a frigging clue afterwards, what Street Photography is about. Because it is something very personal. Because you have to leave your shell. Because you have to – in some cases – expose yourself. Because you have to love people. Street Photography is about sympathy, not hate. It is about community, even if it pictures solitude. It can be ironic, but never offending. When you are taking street shots you are commenting, much like a journalist. And this gives you a good deal of responsibility."  Michael Kaiser

This is passion ...

joi, 1 aprilie 2010

Ziua pacalelilor

1 aprilie .
Azi nu trebuie sa ai incredere in nimeni , mai ales daca se intampla ceva extraordinar , cum ar fi :

- a evadat Fane Spoitoru din puscarie
- a nascut nevasta lu' Iliescu
- Basescu s-a predat la DNA
- Geoana sare in sus de bucurie in Piata Universitatii intre 17.00- 19.00

Good luck !

Smash Mouth - Walkin' On The Sun

by Redy

Care credeti ca este genul de fotografie in care ma exprim cel mai bine ?